Hannah Logan

Portrait of a Cyclist is a collection of photographic portraits, prints and paintings made by Hannah Logan in 2021 celebrating people she has met through the cycling community, the possibilities of cycling and the cargo bike movement.

“This is the first sharing of a series of portraits and interviews with friends and acquaintances I’ve met as I’ve personally got more into cycling in Glasgow. In the wake of COP26 I want to celebrate cycling as a zero emissions travel option as well as highlighting the benefits of using cargo bikes to make deliveries instead of cars and vans.

I began commuting to work in the city by bike in 2019 and more recently have experienced the thrill and sense of purpose that comes with riding a cargo bike. This change in my lifestyle has introduced me to a community of other cyclists and organisations who promote and facilitate the growth of cycling locally - providing cycling lessons and learning opportunities. By sharing stories and representations of cycling in art I hope to pay homage to this community, championing it’s importance to our society.”

To follow the Portrait of a Cyclist series of photos and conversations, and to discover links to local cycling resources and organisations go to @ourcyclingstories on Instagram.

You can come into the café to view the exhibition until the 2nd of Febuary, 2022.


Sophy Smith


Rayna Carruthers